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Rabbiner Edward van Voolen

Our community was founded by Dr Eduard Kley in 1817 as the Neuer Israelitischer Tempelverein zu Hamburg (in Hebrew: Kahal Beit Chadash). From 1868, our community was officially referred to as the Israelitischer Tempelverband and was the legal equal of the second traditional Orthodox Israelitischer Synagogenverband zu Hamburg (Bornplatz synagogue). In 1938, the corporation status of our community was illegally revoked and our synagogues were defiled and confiscated.  Many of our members were killed in the Shoah or were able to flee.
Our community was finally able to resume its work in 2004, with a particular focus on maintaining the architectural and cultural heritage of our community. One of our main aims is that Hamburg should once again have its own progressive temple (synagogue). In 2021, our community asked the Hamburg State Senate to confirm the continued corporation status of the community and requested cultural, financial and social equality with the Orthodox Jüdische Gemeinde Hamburg. Until now, this restitution has not been made but would be warmly welcomed, if not for anything more than ethical reasons.

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